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How often to clean windows?

6 April 2023 Sebastian Comments Off

The frequency of window cleaning is a rather individual issue. It depends both on the needs of a particular building and its window woodwork, as well as on the preferences of the people living in or using it. It is worth remembering that windows are to a large extent the business cards of a particular store, office building, company, as well as a residential house - and visitors and customers often pay attention first to the facade of the building and the condition of the windows. The recommended frequency of their cleaning is usually determined by the owner or manager of the building in question.

Frequency of window cleaning and its key determinants

Windows get dirty at different rates and degrees, depending on the many factors to which they are exposed. In some buildings it is enough to clean windows once a year, as the amount of dirt deposited on them is minimal. In others, it is necessary to systematically clean the windows, which would otherwise become dull and unsightly quite quickly.

The recommended frequency of cleaning is mainly influenced by the location. The closer a building is to a high-speed street or city center, the faster its windows will become dirty. The same applies to buildings located in industrial districts.

The immediate surroundings of the building also matter. If there are trees, parking lots, bird habitats nearby - then various types of dirt can regularly settle on the windows: dust, exhaust particles, bird droppings.

The weather itself and the frequency and intensity of precipitation also have a significant impact. Intense rain, snow, hail can bring with them various potential contaminants that will be deposited on the surface of the glass. The same applies to gusty winds, which can bring with them particles of dirt.

Another important factor is the height of the building or the specific floor where the windows of interest are located. The taller the building - the potentially less often we will have to clean its windows. In the case of office buildings - their top floors may be out of touch with the fumes and dust floating in the area. Of course, they, too, sometimes require cleaning, and for the execution of this task we recommend using our company specializing in industrial mountaineering. The last important factor is the nature and use of the building. It goes without saying that some industries and forms of business require more frequent cleaning, such as beauty salons, dentists, law offices, shopping malls. In order not to scare off customers with dirt lingering on the windows, it's a good idea to wash them on a regular basis and not wait until the dirt forms a clearly visible deposit.